Wednesday 27 May 2015

Weekly blog for 'Certificate In Dance' course

Week 1
8-14 December
We were watching the piece, trying to understand the subject matter, describing what it means for us to be a spiritual warriors.

Week 2
15-21 December
Learning first section. I liked this piece from the beginning because many different dance styles are mixed and also I learned more about for example Marshall arts techniques.
My weakness in the beginning was to get into the character, I was concentrating more on the choreography, learning the movements

Week 3 
5-11 January
We learn more and more of the choreography, develop our characters more and more. I need to add more strenghts and energy to my movements, so the piece will look stronger, also I need to be more confident.

Week 4
12-18 January

Week 5 
19-25 January
Target to improve was to have a better idea of the character

Week 6 
26 January - 1 February
Working more on the first section. In the beginning of this week the end of first section was really weak, I needed to improve it much more, add more energy, have better movement memory and improve my accuracy. By the end of this week I did improve, but needed improve more.
Here is the video of our Monday's lesson:

Week 7 
2-8 February

Week 8 
9-15 February

Week 9 
23 February - 1 March
This week we were working on trusting each other. We begun with exercises when we fall backwards towards a partner. I found this exercise a bit scary in the beginning, thinking that the partner can drop me or don't manage to catch me on time, but after couple tries I was feeling comfortable and confident with falling as we did improve our trusts. Target after this lesson was to think about more moves which require trusting each other, don't be scared and fully use the imagination.

Week 10 
2-8 March
This week we did many exercises about feeling each other, and using each other's bodies. Tried many support and balance exercises. First I thought that it is very difficult for a smaller girl to keep much bigger weight on herself, but then I realized that it is not that hard, as it depends on the posture mostly. If the person feels comfortable let's say when he stands on his fourths, then he will manage to keep much heavier weight on himself. During this week we were playing with different moves, exploring them. It was easier to create something new as we all had our partners so we were just trying everything what came to our minds and managed to create some really nice sequences

Week 11 
9-15 March
This week we tried many different lifting exercises, for example 180* rotation of the body vertically, or 360* rotation horizontally. I found them more difficult than previous ones, because they need more physical strength, but it didn't go too bad.

Week 12 
16-22 March
This week we did a harder level - lifting without one hand. Those movements were more limited comparing to lifting with both hands

Week 13 
23-29 March
Were thinking what we've done in previous weeks' lessons so we could add some new sequences. Experimenting with moves, making sequences. I found it challenging and at the same time joyful. My weakness was that I didn't have many contacts with other warriors which was needed so my target was to add more contacts

Week 14 
20-26 April
Worked really hard on team's work, where thinking and sharing ideas of how we could merge our choreography or motifs more so it could show that we all are warriors and that we are connected. Also We were adding some obvious contacts, the piece looked much more better. Target to improve was to have more different dynamics in the piece

Week 15 27.4- 3.5 
This is the last full week before the performance. This week I worked more on improving the choreography, thinking more about facial expressions, trying to connect myself more to the piece, getting warriors energy as much as I could as choreography was learn by hard by that time. Facial experience has improved, more dynamics have been added.

Performance day, 6th of May
On the performance day we had a really good time management and group management. We managed to find a space to rehearse and improve our choreography. We were free to share our ideas and our final piece appeared to be one of the strongest pieces