Friday 19 September 2014

Famous modern dance choreographers

Isadora Duncan - her choreography was free and natural. Her choreography doesn't really have sharp endings. She always thought that ballet is really unnatural. Most of her dance was influenced by Greek sculptures.

Martha Graham - in her choreography we can see a clear contraction and release. Movements and eemotionalexpressions are linked to each other. Her famous work is "Appalachian spring"

Merce Cunningham - He wasn't interested in telling stories in his dance. His movement didn't really differ from ballet.

Alvin Ailey - he used African-American traditional spirituals and he liked lines, like long unbroken leg line. His techniques was more like a new dance style. He uses different levels, low stance and tall contrast. His most popular and critically acclaimed work "Revelations":

Ruth St Denis - her dance idea came from Egypt and India. Her dances are usually slow and really dramatic.  

Christopher Bruce -  his choreography is usually dramatic and tells a story.

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