Friday 5 December 2014

Alston - Overdrive

This dance was about angles, energy and use of different directions. Whole piece looked really good and our, as a group, dynamics were really good. Most of them time my angles were really sharp. I found use of different directions to be a bit difficult in the beginning, I used to lose my balance, but I did improve :)

During whole dance I was really focussed and confident, my face probably showed it and I really wanted audience to notice it.
I think that in 1st section’s first phrases of this piece my timing wasn't really good, unfortunately. Also I remember that at one moment I lost my balance, so I didn't extend a move as I could, but it wasn't really noticeable for the audience. My feet could be more pointed and I think I should have put more energy in the beginning when we were running through our first phrases. I remember that I tried my best with putting energy but maybe because I was quite nervous in the beginning and it happened because when we just went on a stage I saw that the audience was really big. Although it didn't look like I did during a few moments. I found it easy to do back kicks when I put my arms up and then flipped them to the back and at the same time kicked my leg back and spinned 180 degrees, but it was harder to do a butterfly because I didn't feel that I spin my arms enough and a jump could be higher. A rond de gambe move was quite difficult as well, it was hard to keep my back straight and turn 180 degrees when my one leg should have been straight and on 90 degrees in the air.

Mine and Cagla's part looked really good and it was really strong, even face expressions have improved, angles were really clear. Crossings with Ruth, Sonia, Daneille and Nancie were quite good, but at one moment I needed some more space, because of it I accidently hit Daneille, but I did not lose my focus and carried on.
I think we did really well in creating our motifs because it looked really nice with the whole piece. 

I really like how I performed in Section 2 in first and second phrases. My moves were sudden and strong, but they could be more extended. But I found it hard to do the jump in last phrase. My jump in last phrase should have been more high and extended, leg wasn't straight. Also I had a lack of space in 3rd phrase when we all run to the one corner.

Also I really liked our going on and off stage. Especially before repeating the first section. We did a circle thing and it looked really nice, I did a great dancers walk ! And going off stage after the first section looked interesting, when we directed our arms to the left and half of us run in that direction and other half run to the other side, it looked as a good opening for Nancie's and Daneilles section as well.

Here are couple pictures from our rehearsals:

We practised a lot especially on the day before performance and it did show its results.  To be honest, in the beginning of rehearsals I didn't really feel this music, and in order to dance at the same time for the whole group we used to not listen to the music beats, but to watch at certain people and start at the same time as they do. My weakness was lack of energy, moves were not extended enough and angles were not sharp enough. But in the end I got it and I was happy that I learnt all the moves, and didn't forget them. There were quite a lot of them :)

In my opinion during the last term my flexibility has improved and my pointed toes improved a bit. Also my balance got better, but I still need to work on these things. After this performance I really saw that my class can do really well and it encourages me to learn more and more dances, it kind of motivates me to work harder.

I'm setting myself a couple targets to improve my dancing in future dances:
  • Add more energy (I will do it by going  to sleep earlier so I can get enough sleep and energy, also eat more fruits :D)
  • Work on flexibility (I will do stretching exercises every day, even if I don’t have a dance lesson)
  • Work on balance (there are some good exercises to improve it:
  • Be focused during every lesson
  • Look more carefully at my spacing next time

Thursday 4 December 2014

Role analysis 

My role I have assigned in ‘The best of British’ Showcase is Laura from Matilda’s musical. This musical is done by Roald Dahl and it was written by Dennis Kelly.

Autobiographical facts
I am Laura. I have a great family. I have one brother I like to fight with. I go to Trunchbull’s school and I am in Matilda’s class. I am really healthy and energetic kid.

I like drawing and singing, also playing with my friends. 

Physical description
I am 6 years old cute girl. I wear a grey uniform and burgundy tie for school, outside school I like to wear colourful clothes. My favourite hairdo is two topknots from different sides.

Successes and failures 
I played a few trick on Miss Trunchbull. The best one was when I hided all her pens. But once, when I tried to hide her important documents’ folder, she noticed me and I was sent to a corner for 2 hours. But I still continue doing tricks on a Miss Trunchbull.

In the scenes
In the scene I am in the school. My class and some older kids from Miss Honey’s class are being revolting against Miss Trunhcbull. We sing, make noise, are being angry and intend to get revenge for how we’ve been mistreated. Everyone is copying Miss Truncbull, or fighting. I am throwing paper balls. I am really friendly person, and I get on well with all kids. I support my friends and I am being supported by my friends.
To act this role, I need to feel the hate for Miss Truchbull, and really want to succeed in our ‘mission’. Give all my energy, use many emotions, facial expressions.
To prepare for this, I should put a lot of effort during our lessons/rehearsals. Also I am seeing my brothers and cousins soon, who are 5-6-years-old, so I will remember how children at this age behave, how they react to things, how they talk, how they make a mess and noise. Our singing part is quite fast so I will practise it and do some exercises to be able to sing faster and clearer.