Thursday 4 December 2014

Role analysis 

My role I have assigned in ‘The best of British’ Showcase is Laura from Matilda’s musical. This musical is done by Roald Dahl and it was written by Dennis Kelly.

Autobiographical facts
I am Laura. I have a great family. I have one brother I like to fight with. I go to Trunchbull’s school and I am in Matilda’s class. I am really healthy and energetic kid.

I like drawing and singing, also playing with my friends. 

Physical description
I am 6 years old cute girl. I wear a grey uniform and burgundy tie for school, outside school I like to wear colourful clothes. My favourite hairdo is two topknots from different sides.

Successes and failures 
I played a few trick on Miss Trunchbull. The best one was when I hided all her pens. But once, when I tried to hide her important documents’ folder, she noticed me and I was sent to a corner for 2 hours. But I still continue doing tricks on a Miss Trunchbull.

In the scenes
In the scene I am in the school. My class and some older kids from Miss Honey’s class are being revolting against Miss Trunhcbull. We sing, make noise, are being angry and intend to get revenge for how we’ve been mistreated. Everyone is copying Miss Truncbull, or fighting. I am throwing paper balls. I am really friendly person, and I get on well with all kids. I support my friends and I am being supported by my friends.
To act this role, I need to feel the hate for Miss Truchbull, and really want to succeed in our ‘mission’. Give all my energy, use many emotions, facial expressions.
To prepare for this, I should put a lot of effort during our lessons/rehearsals. Also I am seeing my brothers and cousins soon, who are 5-6-years-old, so I will remember how children at this age behave, how they react to things, how they talk, how they make a mess and noise. Our singing part is quite fast so I will practise it and do some exercises to be able to sing faster and clearer.

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