Thursday 29 January 2015

Today our dance lesson was really excited. This time it wasn't even a dance lesson, because we got a big black box from Complicite. We found many interesting and different things: a hat, an umbrella, money, a small suitcase, a video camera, a protesting paper. a speaker. All these props tell us that this is gonna be something about protests and I'm really looking forward to find out what exactly they are for, but for the first lesson we did a warm up to understand how complicite works.


For warm up we played games, ball games. They all where about being together and feeling each other and we needed to be very focused. For example:

In this game we were supposed to stop at the same time, then watch and after some time start to reach something in the same direction and then step back. It was really exciting when we actually did everything at the same time and at the same direction. Also we played 9 squares game and the grid. First one was more fun because we play with the ball but we still needed to stay focused otherwise you will lose, and while playing the grid you need to be really concentrated and feel if people at the same line start to move at the same time and if it is a right amount of people. These warm-up games really help to get the concentration and right focus for the lesson.

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