Wednesday 5 November 2014


I chose my monologue book from Agnes By God play by John Pielmeier where a nurse doesn't admit that she killed her newborn baby. I see her as a mental character and because of that I want to do this monologue even more, because it is more interesting. Also I like this monologue because an easy language is used here, no difficult word, what is important to me. Doing this monologue I will go mad, super mad, and at some time calm down and then go to my own world.

Take a read:

I don't know what you're talking about! You want to talk about the baby, everybody wants to talk about the baby, but I never saw the baby, so I can't talk about the baby because I don't believe in a baby!... No! I'm tired of talking! I've been talking for weeks! And nobody believes me when I tell them anything! Nobody listens to me!

Where do you think babies come from?...Well, I think they come from when an angel lights on their mother's chest and whispers into her year. That makes good babies start to grow. Bad babies come from when a fallen angel squeezes in down there and they grow and grow until they come out down there. I don't know where good babies come out.

And you can't tell the difference except that bad babies cry a lot and make their fathers go away and their mothers get very ill and die sometimes.

Mummy wasn't very happy when she died and I think she went to hell because every time I see her she looks like she just stepped out of a hot shower. And I'm never sure if it's her or the lady who tells things. They fight over me all the time

The Lady I saw when I was ten. I was laying on the grass, looking at the sun and then the sun became a cloud, and the cloud became the Lady and she told me she would talk to me and then her feet began to bleed and I saw there were holes in her hands and in her side and I tried to catch it as it fell from the sky but I couldn't see anymore because my eyes hurt because there were big black spots in front of them.

And she tells me things like -right now she's crying "Marie! Marie!" but I don't know what that means. And she uses me to sing. It's as if she's throwing  a big hook through the air and it catches me under my ribs and tries to pull me up but I can't move because Mummy is holding me feet and all I can do is sing in her voice, it's the Lady's voice, God loves you! (Silence) God loves you..

I don't want to talk anymore, all right? I just want to go home.

I separated the text because it makes it easier to learn it. Also I watched some videos of this monologue on internet, but I am sure that I can do better!

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