Friday 31 October 2014

Today we were working on "Masquerade" dance. We were learning vogue dancing. I find it really interesting to add vogueing elements to "Masquerade" piece. I have seen voguing before and I find this dance really different. I like how you can play with your hands. I think we need to work on our arms more now cuz majority of moves are arms moves.

We learnt three moves in today's lesson. And we did succeed trying to create a dance from only those three moves. Looking forward to learn more.

More about voguing

Voguing is a modern house dance style. It was found in 1960's.
Now there are 3 different vogue styles:
1. Old way - characterized by the formation of lines, symmetry and precision in the execution of graceful, fluid-like action. Take a look on this interesting hand performance and floor exercises.

2. New way - characterized by rigid moves coupled with clicks and arms control that sometimes includes tutting, locking or illusion of bone breaking.

3. Vogue fem - this style is mostly exaggerated with feminine moves influenced by contemporary, ballet and jazz dance styles. Vogue fem includes hands performance, catwalk, duckwalk, floor performance and dips&drops.

1 comment:

  1. This is really interesting research Viktorija, well done. Vogue is all about the hands presenting the face & body - how fascinating to see the similarities and differences. Well Done , this is excellent work. :)
