Friday 10 October 2014

Cabaret (Certificate in Dance)

Everything happens in 1931 in Berlin.

Lady in the beginning is dominant. She is very interesting character. She always has an illusion of being a superstar, she tries to escape from reality.
Main parts of movie are filmed in Kit Kat club.
Dance moves are sexual, also they bend their back - that's Bob Fosses one of the main features.
A lot of make-up is used, even guys use lots of make-up. In dance they really hide who is a man and who is a woman. That is good because it is what they are trying to do.
Dancers wear fluffy dresses or club clothes like tight shorts, crop tops. 
Acting is likely to be used in dances.

Dance performed by Lisa Minnelli:

1 comment:

  1. Good summary to use after watching the video well done. You could add here the context, when is it set and what effect does this have on the performance knowing it was set in this time in history?
