Thursday 16 October 2014

Evaluation of my performance

My task was to perform a Suzanne, lesbian journalist. It required some skills which could help me to get in to my character, don’t laugh, in the beginning do journalist voice and in the end get a bit shy because an awkward situation has happened. I found this play weird, but as I understand weird plays are likely to be in theatres because they are less normal.
It was really hard to reveal my character when I was meant to look at the camera all the beginning, but after awkward situation I really started to feel awkward, at that moment I definitely got into my character.
Change: In very beginning of rehearsing I was sitting next to my partner and my faces side was facing the audience. But Sean said that audience is losing my character. They couldn’t see my character. So I stood up next to my camera, because audience could see my face from there and they could see my character more clearly. 
When I went on stage I was feeling quite confident but I still felt a bit nervous. Sometimes I was forgetting that I am on stage and then this feeling was coming back. I still need more experience of being on stage. I haven’t forgotten any words or action, and I spoke quite loudly I think so the audience could hear me. Also in the awkward situation we did a really good eye contact, that’s why that situation became awkward.  I am happy that the audience understood that I was a lesbian, which means I revealed my character and that was my main goal.

Future predictions:

3 Positives:
  • Loud voice
  • Not too nervous      
2/3 Weaknesses:
  • I need to not read my lines in my head, but really listen to what the other actors are saying and reacting to it
  • I need to get more into my character

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